persimmon pudding

quantities for 1 big pudding


  • 2 ripe persimmons
  • 1 tablespoon of bitter cocoa powder

for us, ripe persimmons are sweet enough, but feel free to add a tablespoon of sugar if you like your desserts to be sweeter!


  1. cut the persimmons in half and transfer the pulp into a tall container.

  2. add the cocoa powder (and the sugar, if you are adding some) and mix with a blender until smooth.

  3. transfer the mixture into a small bowl and place it in the fridge for at least a couple of hours.

  4. tip the pudding over onto a small plate, decorate, et voilà!

we decorated our pudding with some melted chocolate and a chocolate nugget. other suggestions are nuts or fresh fruit, like berries.